Healthy Schools: Radon Test Results
This page contains information about radon testing at MESD owned or leased sites: Arata Creek, Burlingame Creek, Helensview School, Wheatley School, Wynne Watts, and the Ainsworth building. For information about radon, updates, and answers to frequently asked questions please visit the Radon Information page.
Testing Methodology
MESD sampled owned and leased buildings for radon in the summer and fall of 2016. Sample Set 1 was conducted with the HVAC systems turned-off and the building unoccupied over a long weekend. This testing protocol was not consistent with OHA Radon testing guidelines. The results of this testing are provided in the Table labeled Sample Set 1. These results were shared with OHA which recommended re-testing buildings that had results above the action level of 4 picoCuries per liter (piC/L) with a Continuous Radon Monitoring System and the HVAC system turned-on.
Sample Set 2 was conducted by Cascade Radon, a contractor certified by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) and with the HVAC systems turned on per the OHAs recommendations. The results of the tests show radon levels well below the action level. Results are posted below in Sample Set 2. In compliance with OHA guidelines testing will occur again this fall with the HVAC systems on and the buildings occupied.
Sample Set 3 was conducted by Cascade Radon. Cascade Radon performed extensive testing of Helensview with HVAC on and off and found that with the HVAC system running, radon levels in all areas dropped well beneath the EPA recommended 4.0 pCi/L. Cascade Radon recommends that HVAC fans run at least 6-8 hours prior to occupancy. No active sub-soil depressurization mitigation system is recommended unless HVAC use becomes periodic.
Testing Methodology
MESD sampled owned and leased buildings for radon in the summer and fall of 2016. Sample Set 1 was conducted with the HVAC systems turned-off and the building unoccupied over a long weekend. This testing protocol was not consistent with OHA Radon testing guidelines. The results of this testing are provided in the Table labeled Sample Set 1. These results were shared with OHA which recommended re-testing buildings that had results above the action level of 4 picoCuries per liter (piC/L) with a Continuous Radon Monitoring System and the HVAC system turned-on.
Sample Set 2 was conducted by Cascade Radon, a contractor certified by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) and with the HVAC systems turned on per the OHAs recommendations. The results of the tests show radon levels well below the action level. Results are posted below in Sample Set 2. In compliance with OHA guidelines testing will occur again this fall with the HVAC systems on and the buildings occupied.
Sample Set 3 was conducted by Cascade Radon. Cascade Radon performed extensive testing of Helensview with HVAC on and off and found that with the HVAC system running, radon levels in all areas dropped well beneath the EPA recommended 4.0 pCi/L. Cascade Radon recommends that HVAC fans run at least 6-8 hours prior to occupancy. No active sub-soil depressurization mitigation system is recommended unless HVAC use becomes periodic.
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