Healthy Schools: Asbestos Information
Per the EPA, "The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires EPA to promulgate regulations (e.g., the Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule) requiring local educational agencies to inspect their school buildings for asbestos-containing building material, prepare asbestos management plans and perform asbestos response actions to prevent or reduce asbestos hazards. AHERA also tasked EPA with developing a model plan for states for accrediting persons conducting asbestos inspection and corrective-action activities at schools."
MESD leases three buildings (Knott Creek School, Helensview School and Wheatley School) that were built during the time that asbestos containing building materials (ACBMs) were often used in construction. Those plans are available by request from Parkrose School District. The schools are inspected and maintained in compliance with EPA and DEQ regulations.
AHERA requires districts that own schools with ACBM to:
MESD and Parkrose Schoold district take actions consistent with DEQ and EPA regulations to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. Two MESD staff are certified Asbestos Operations and Maintenance workers. Custodial staff that clean, but do not repair, ACBM, attend an annual asbestos awareness class.
MESD leases three buildings (Knott Creek School, Helensview School and Wheatley School) that were built during the time that asbestos containing building materials (ACBMs) were often used in construction. Those plans are available by request from Parkrose School District. The schools are inspected and maintained in compliance with EPA and DEQ regulations.
AHERA requires districts that own schools with ACBM to:
- Prepare and update an asbestos management plan
- Inspect school buildings every three years by an AHERA accredited asbestos inspector
- Inspect ACBM for changes every 6 months
MESD and Parkrose Schoold district take actions consistent with DEQ and EPA regulations to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. Two MESD staff are certified Asbestos Operations and Maintenance workers. Custodial staff that clean, but do not repair, ACBM, attend an annual asbestos awareness class.
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2018 Multnomah Education Service District.....